Riley Boiler Optimization Project
Valdosta, GA
Quantum Consulting Engineers provided structural engineering for this economizer, breaching and dust collector located at the PCA Plant in Valdosta, Georgia. This economizer is estimated to weigh about 120,000 pounds and will be located approximately forty-five feet above grade. The economizer will be supported by a steel tower braced down to the ground. A side stair tower, service platforms, breaching both above and below the economizer, and a breaching section spanning to the dust collector will also be provided.
The dust collector is located between an existing stack and boiler building with limited space for steel supports and foundations. Most all vertical loads and north/south lateral loads from the dust collector will be supported on the new steel and foundations. A portion of the dust collector’s vertical load as well as east/west lateral loads will be supported by the existing boiler building structure and this structure will be modified accordingly.
Project goals included:
– Reducing the quantity of landfill ash by reducing the carryover and amount of unburned carbon in the fly ash.
– Increase the boiler’s capability to burn waste fuels (bark, TDF, and sludge), thereby reducing the reliance on burning coal or natural gas.
– Improve the ability to handle load swings on bark firing.
– Improve the boiler’s current emission performance.